
Key strategies to transform manufacturing efficiency with AI

12 Feb 24

By Arif Rahman

Key strategies to transform manufacturing efficiency with AI

In the evolving landscape of manufacturing, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just a buzzword; it is rapidly becoming critical for businesses aiming to stay competitive and efficient.

As a high-demand sector, manufacturing has already witnessed widespread AI adoption. Many organisations are already leveraging advanced AI to improve their processes. Modernising with AI, including the use of the Internet of Things (IoT), devices for real-time monitoring can significantly improve throughput and efficiency. AI enables manufacturers to process huge amount of data and get valuable insights they can act upon to improve productivity.

Without AI, manufacturers would continue to resort to manual processes that are more time consuming and less efficient such as relying on humans for monitoring and observing critical processes. While possible, this approach is time consuming and leaves more room for error.

The manufacturers can choose from a wide range of AI solutions and technologies, but AI isn’t a panacea for the sector.

Below are some key steps for manufacturers to consider when preparing for AI adoption.

1. Identifying inefficiencies

Manufacturers operate in a highly competitive environment where time is money. So, the first step in optimising manufacturing processes is to identify areas of inefficiency.

AI-powered systems can spot these inefficiencies and recommend improvements in real-time. The key steps to consider when fixing inefficiencies include:



Strong data collection:

The role of AI becomes invaluable when data is collected from every aspect of the production process. This data must be gathered at relevant points, pinpointing locations in the production line, and ensuring it is timely, safe, and easily digestible.



Quality of data:

AI can collect huge amounts of data from production line sensors and measuring devices. The technology can then interpret data and provide businesses with meaningful insights into the operating performance of lines and machines. AI’s ability to organise data and provide analysis can help manufacturers predict time to failure and spot faults, prompting when equipment needs servicing to prevent greater problems down the line.

Identify culture and people:

With any operation it’s important to consider the people responsible for the creation, running and monitoring of it. Without proper support and enablement of AI, the technology would likely not reach its full potential.

2.Openness to learning; ‘falling back’ to get ahead

Technical debt:

When integrating AI into manufacturing processes, organisations should be mindful of technical debt, which are the costs and issues that result from taking shortcuts when implementing AI.

While some level of debt is inevitable with new technology, it must be effectively managed and mitigated. To drive business impact, businesses should focus on controlled testing with clear objectives and a willingness to ‘fail fast.’

This means that if a test or pilot project is not producing the expected results, they should be ready to pivot and adapt quickly. This openness to learning from failures is key to refining AI integration strategies and staying competitive in the market.

R&D costs:

Although research and development (R&D) may come at a cost, it remains an essential component of innovation. Investing in R&D can lead to advancements in AI technology that can provide significant long-term benefits for manufacturers. For example, companies like Microsoft are rapidly developing AI solutions like "Copilot" due to its ongoing R&D efforts. These innovations can enhance manufacturing processes and make them more efficient.

Funding challenges:

While AI integration can bring substantial benefits, it often comes with significant upfront costs. SMEs may face funding challenges in adopting AI solutions. However, there are accessible price points and scalable AI solutions available to cater to the needs of SMEs. This ensures that even smaller organisations can take advantage of AI technology without the costs that are often associated with AI.

Cost-to-value balance:

Due to these building costs that seem inevitable when implementing AI, it is crucial for businesses to focus on optimising costs to enhance overall efficiency. This includes not only controlling the expenses associated with AI integration but also ensuring that the value derived from these investments justifies the costs. Manufacturing businesses must consider what value looks like to them, and how to define and measure the successes of AI.

3.Know the direction of your business

Taking careful considerations into account when introducing AI into the manufacturing industry is the key to success. If the integration is managed responsibly, AI can bring many benefits to the sector.

For example, consumer goods manufacturers can benefit from AI by identifying inefficiencies, predicting, and preventing faults in parts, and streamlining production processes. By predicting when parts will fail and proactively replacing them, manufacturers can minimise downtime and maintain seamless production.

To drive business impact through AI integration, companies should have a clear understanding of the direction they want their business to be heading in. If you know your business objectives and the ways in which AI can help you reach these objectives, AI can help to identify trends, spot patterns, and create opportunities to make proactive decisions to maximise efficiency.

Looking forward: AI within Industry 4.0

AI is the backbone of Industry 4.0, what has been referred to as the “4thIndustrial Revolution”. Industry 4.0 has been deemed as the next phase in the digitisation of the manufacturing sector, driven by data, connectivity, analytics, and AI. With AI "Copilots" increasingly becoming a part of daily work, AI will soon be integrated into most businesses and Industry 4.0 will become a reality for manufacturers.

AI is the backbone of Industry 4.0, what has been referred to as the “4


Industrial Revolution”. Industry 4.0 has been deemed as the next phase in the digitisation of the manufacturing sector, driven by data, connectivity, analytics, and AI. With AI "Copilots" increasingly becoming a part of daily work, AI will soon be integrated into most businesses and Industry 4.0 will become a reality for manufacturers.

New companies will incorporate AI more readily, alongside standard office applications, making it accessible to a broader workforce. To unlock this potential, we need to tackle issues such as compatibility and security and plan for a smooth transition to an AI future. With the right strategies in place, businesses can navigate this transformation successfully and enjoy the rewards of Industry 4.0.

For manufacturers, AI creates endless possibilities, from improving visibility into supply chain operations, to improving worker safety. AI can also help to improve the sustainability of supply chains, spotting warning signs early and indicating when action should be taken to improve production and efficiencies.

To transform the sector most successfully, manufacturers need to remember that people are central to the adoption of AI, so with careful planning, organisation can create a culture of success using tew technology that maximises efficiencies.

Businesses must harness the transformative power of AI and ensure that it becomes an integral part of the manufacturing revolution. The journey of AI adoption in the manufacturing sector will be one of the most significant shifts of our time, so the right enablement focus is key to ensuring its success.

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