
Multi-user real-time monitoring and analysis

16 Mar 21

Multi-user real-time monitoring and analysis
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HBK – Hottinger Brüel & Kjær - the world’s leading supplier of advanced technology for sound and vibration and the market leader in mechanical and electrical testing solutions - has released the latest version of its Tescia Repetitive Testing system.

Designed for vibration, acoustics and rotating machinery monitoring and testing, this solution provides a safe way of capturing data - including information which was not anticipated. The system incorporates unique capabilities and a user-centric workflow to reduce setup time, safeguard the test items - plus improve data quality and test-result validation.

Tescia’s comprehensive analysis and monitoring capabilities, including the ability to synchronize slow speed and dynamic data streams, provide detailed insight into the live test, helping to protect test objects from damage, as well as checking conformance to specifications. Unexpected behaviour can be identified based on calculated metrics and limits. Real-time analysis, calculated metrics and event-based triggers enables fully automated, unattended operation.

This scalable solution can be used in a small production environment with just one operator or in a larger system, with multiple tests and monitoring seats; from single-user, stand-alone systems that acquire and process data on a single laptop to extensive linked systems acquiring data from hundreds of channels and distributing results to multiple local or remote systems for real-time processing.

Tescia Product Manager Flemming Schultz Larsen says, “Tescia represents the consolidation of 15 years of learning from Aerospace, Defence and Space customers. Preserving the device under test and getting data right first time are the prime objectives for these industries. Failure leads to severe consequences in terms of cost and image.”

By reducing overall test times, increasing confidence in the data secured and protecting the test assets, Tescia presents a scalable solution that will unite expertise from a single user to a full enterprise solution delivering actionable design insights.

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