The BESA National Conference will feature two ‘must attend’ sessions for building engineering contractors linked to the future of cooling.
The one-day conference held at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel, London on November 21st has an overall theme of: ‘Competence, compliance and climate change – turning theory into practice’. It will consider how the building engineering industry can meet many of the technical challenges it now faces.
The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning industry is confronted by a raft of extraordinary challenges and speakers from the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Industry Board (ACRIB), the Heat Pump Association (HPA) and BESA’s Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump group will take part in a hotly anticipated session hosted by the UK’s primary F Gas register REFCOM.
These experts will outline how the sector must respond to the current upheaval driven by legislation and concerns about global warming that has led to supply problems, safety concerns and significant price rises in the refrigerant gas market.
Chaired by Head of REFCOM Graeme Fox, the seminar will consider the implications for system design, installation and maintenance – and look ahead at the profound impact of the F Gas phase down on future product selection.
This will be followed by a vital health and safety seminar focussed on the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR). Changes to the Classification and Labelling of Products regulations means that all compressed gases and, therefore all refrigerants, are now classified as ‘hazardous products’. In the past, only flammable refrigerants were subject to the regulations.
As a result, many more contractors must now carry out DSEAR risk assessments to help reduce the risk of fatality or serious injury in the workplace. This is strictly enforced by local authorities and the Health & Safety Executive (HSE).
David Paget of Lloyds Insurance, who is also chair of the IOR technical committee, will present new guidance and explain Point of Use Risk Assessments (POWRA), which are designed to help contractors comply and meet their legal obligations.
For more information about the BESA Conference and to take advantage of Early Bird delegate rates visit:
Cool Topics At BESA Conference.
16 Sept 19