
Leading Plastic Pallet Supplier Pledges To Recycle ALL Plastic Pallets And Boxes.

Leading Plastic Pallet Supplier Pledges To Recycle ALL Plastic Pallets And Boxes.
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Goplasticpallets.com – The Responsible Plastic Pallet Company – today pledged to recycle every plastic pallet and plastic box it supplies to customers.

This announcement comes in the wake of the huge amount of negative media coverage on single-use plastics and the devastating impact it is having on our environment and marine life.

Last October 250 major brands vowed to eliminate all single-use plastics from their operations and invest in new technology so all packaging could be recycled by 2025 – a move described by the United Nations as the most ambitious effort yet to fight plastic pollution.1

Now Goplasticpallets.com is proving that it is a step ahead of these major brands and leading the way in recycling plastic waste, by not only supplying the UK’s largest range of multi-use, recyclable plastic pallets and boxes, but also committing to ensure they are ethically recycled at the end of their long use.

Jim Hardisty, Managing Director of Goplasticpallets.com, said: “Our promise is our word – we guarantee to take full responsibility for recycling each and every plastic pallet and box we supply to our customers. And, not only that, but we intend to make it as simple as possible for customers of all sizes to recycle their plastic pallets and boxes by offering both ‘drop of’ and ‘collection’ options.

“Ultimately, our mission is to help businesses create more sustainable supply chains by providing them with long lasting, reusable plastic pallets and boxes, and ensuring they are responsibly recycled when customers no longer need them.

“Each customer that purchases plastic pallets and boxes from us will receive a certificate – our recycling commitment – this reinforces the responsible attitude we have towards recycling our products.

“As The Responsible Plastic Pallet Company, our ultimate goal is to be recognised as the most trusted supplier of long lasting, recyclable plastic pallets and boxes in the UK.”

Last year the Environment Agency certified Goplasticpallets.com as an Accredited Exporter of plastic packaging waste. Just one year on, the company has set itself the ambitious target of recycling 350 tonnes of plastic waste from its customers’ used plastic pallets and boxes by the end of 2019.

Currently 96% of the plastic pallets Goplasticpallets.com supplies are made from recycled materials. Just 4% are produced from virgin material which is recommended for ultra-hygienic environments, for instance some food and pharmaceutical products.

Find out more about our recycling commitment here or call us on 01323 744057 to find out how we can recycle your plastic pallets and boxes.

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